Learning Each Other’s Language
[Autism Advocate] Strategies to Improve Communication Between Neurotypicals and Individuals on the Autism Spectrum. Read the full article here
Puzzling Through – New Ways to Teach Children with Autism
[Boston Parents Paper] Sixty or more years ago, if you had a child with autism, you’d likely be told to put him in a mental health institution and move on with your life. Today, there are many treatment options. Read the full article here
National Autism Center Publishes Autism Manual for Educators
MEDIA RELEASE Randolph, Mass. – Educators across the country, eager for reliable, research-based information about effective interventions for the ever-increasing number of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in their school districts, are turning to the National Autism Center for guidance. […]
May Institute Endorses National Autism Center Report on Autism Treatments
MEDIA RELEASE Randolph, Mass. – May Institute is one of dozens of organizations, scientists, and practitioners throughout the country expressing support for the National Autism Center’s recently published National Standards Report, a comprehensive analysis of treatments for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). […]
National Autism Center Responds to NBC Today’s Show Segment “Travolta Admits Son Had Autism”
I am writing in response to a discussion Thursday on the Today Show about Jett Travolta's co-morbid diagnosis. First, let me say we appreciate the coverage about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), which will help to raise public awareness about some of the related challenges individuals on the autism spectrum may [...]