
“Medicine, psychology, education, and other fields of study are consistently coming to the same conclusion — evidence-based practice is critical for effective treatment and care.”

Dr. Susan M. Wilczynski / Professional Advisory Board Member, National Autism Center

The National Autism Center serves as an efficient clearinghouse for information about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and as a vital resource for those seeking to bring research into practice.

Home to one of the country’s largest concentration of clinicians with expertise in autism and related developmental disabilities, our campus is a vibrant hub of assessment, parent support, training, applied research, and dissemination.

Among our services, we provide education and training regarding early identification, accurate diagnosis, and evidence-based intervention. Through our collaboration with May Institute, we can offer a wide range of additional services for autistic children, adolescents, and adults.

You are invited to learn more in this section of the website.