
Autism Rate Rises to One in 36 Children in the U.S.

Media Release / Randolph, Mass. – One in 36 children in the United States (2.8%) is estimated to have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to a report recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That number is up from one in 44 (2.3%) just two years [...]

May 1, 2023|

National Autism Center Promotes Acceptance of Individuals with Autism, Offers Library of Resources for Families

Media Release / Randolph, Mass. – During Autism Acceptance Month and throughout the year, May Institute and its National Autism Center are committed to promoting acceptance and inclusion of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), providing evidence-based treatment to ensure the best possible life outcomes, and supporting families as they navigate a lifelong journey [...]

April 29, 2023|
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