
Misunderstandings about Autism Spectrum Disorder

Randolph, Mass. – There are many myths and misunderstandings about autism spectrum disorder, and people with ASD. These are sometimes fueled by inaccurate information on the Internet and images portrayed in the mass media.One thing we know for sure is that individuals on the autism spectrum face the same challenges, [...]

April 2, 2019|

National Magazine Hails Research on Best Autism Therapies by the National Autism Center at May Institute

Media Release / Randolph, Mass. – May Institute, a national provider of services for children, adolescents, and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other special needs, is cited in Autism Parenting Magazine for its authoritative research. The article highlighted the National Autism Center at May Institute for “the largest review of [...]

May 5, 2018|
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