Debra Blair, M.B.A., CMA, CPA

Debra Blair is the Chief Operating Officer for May Institute and the National Autism Center. In this position, she oversees the day-to-day operations of all of May Institute’s services including adult services, private schools, home, school, and center-based services, and human resources.

She has more than 25 years of experience in nonprofit finance and operations, serving educational, healthcare, and human services organizations in various capacities.

Ms. Blair joined May Institute in 1995 as the Business Manager for the organization’s school for children and adolescents with brain injury. She later held the position of Budget and Contracts Administrator before being promoted to Director of Finance.

She left May Institute in 2006 to become the Vice President of Administration and Finance and the Chief Financial Officer at Riverside Community Care, Inc., in Massachusetts. There, she was responsible for the overall management of that organization’s financial operations, accounting, information technology, central office administration, capital purchasing, and facilities divisions.

Ms. Blair returned to May Institute in 2012 as the organization’s Assistant CFO and assumed the role of Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer in January of 2013. In that role, she was responsible for the financial stewardship of the organization. Her responsibilities included capital and operating budgeting, financial planning and reporting, debt and treasury management, and information technology systems.

She earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Curry College, and a master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts, Boston.

Meet the National Autism Center’s Executive and Clinical Leadership.

Jennifer Zarcone, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Chief Clinical Officer, May Institute
Director of the National Autism Center

Lauren C. Solotar, Ph.D., ABPP
President and CEO, May Institute

Karie DePaolo, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Assistant Director, National Autism Center at May Institute

Natasa Vucetic, CPA
Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

Debra Blair, M.B.A., CMA, CPA
Chief Operating Officer

Robert F. Putnam, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Senior Vice President of Research and Consultation

Eileen G. Pollack, M.A.
Senior Vice President of Communications and Philanthropy